Babalon the Mother references

I had the good fortune to be invited to present to O.T.O. Austria at a virtual salon. Saturday April 25 I presented on "Babalon the Mother". Here's a follow up…

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Life as an offering to Nuit

My life is an offering to Nuit. Everything I experience I dedicate to Her. Every ecstasy, every joy, every pain and sorrow; every success, every failure, every act of bravery, every betrayal.

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The Armor of Ra Hoor Khuit

In this time of extraordinary demand we are all drawing on our inner and outer resources to complete our daily tasks and to help each other. This armor reinforces our strength and centers us in the powers around us which sustain us.

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Babalon’s Blessing

There was a day when my “self” came crashing down around me. It hit me as a physical blow. The shards of who I once was slashed my body; my stomach contracted, I labored to breathe, my heart froze to ice.

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