Babalon says:

Loving me is the most radical practice.

You and your body, you are perfect, you are Divine, you are the form in which the Divine is made manifest.

I stand before you. I hold out my hand to you. Do you dare to see me do you dare to touch me? I envelop you I penetrate you invite me invite me in.

I am the mother who gave birth to you. I am the father whose power authorizes you. I am the most desirable perfumed lover. I can be woman to you I can be man to you I can be other to you. Do you smell the delicious scent of my body?

I invite you to the life of the senses. In the life of the senses you experience the Divine. Let the air breathe you the delicious food nourish you the water cleanse you the sacred world sustain you. When you enjoy the world the water the food the air the pleasure you accept me, I love you.


When you invite me the demons will come. Battle them! They divide me from you.

They will tell you you are less than. Your skin color curses you. Your sex marks you. The shape of your eyes the weight of your body the texture of your skin your flaws render you unfit.

You have been judged and have been found wanting.
Hear the judgement and judge yourself.
Your parents, they refuse you, they do not nourish you.
Your friends, they taunt you, they do not support you.
Your lovers, they despise you, they teach you to hate yourself.
The one you have loved the most, that one knows you are unacceptable in your being.

You have been shamed, ridiculed, reviled.
You have been beaten, broken, battered.
You have been violated in your body, in your deepest self.
It is your due.

Hate yourself so that you may be purged.
Cut yourself, bind yourself, starve yourself.
Mistrust anything that gives you pleasure.
Embrace pain.

Hide yourself.
Do not touch yourself.
Do not look at yourself.
Do not offer yourself.
Do not accept the touch of others.
Turn away.

Especially reject me.
Revile me.
Curse my name.
Mock me.
Deny me to others.
Kill that in yourself which loves others, which loves yourself, which loves me.
Kill me.

Even though you have rejected me, still I am here.

You can never lose me. You know in your deepest self that I am Divine that you are Divine. You can never kill that self that loves me. I know you have reviled me I do not forgive you there is nothing to forgive. I know you have always loved me.

I love you. I love you in your body. I love the color of your skin your sex the shape of your eyes your weight your texture. I love the body that has been broken and battered and violated. I love the body that you have been taught to hate. This body this very body your very body, offer it to me. This body is the place where I love you.

This self which you are which has been hated. This self which has been condemned by your parents, your friends, your teachers, your lovers, the one who you loved the most. This self is the self which I love. This self is the self which is Divine. This self is the self which I invite to turn toward me see me touch me invite me in.

I am the one who loves the rejected. That which has happened to you has made you holy. Offer me everything that has happened to you. Offer me everything you hate in yourself. When you offer me this you offer me everything I love.

Look at yourself touch yourself show yourself. Drink the wine eat the food breathe the air see me touch me invite me. Love me, surrender to me, surrender to love, it is the same.