Inspiring and engaging, Brandy Williams is a nationally recognized keynote speaker and author on ancient and modern magic. Her goal is to help people of all genders access the power of magic to center ourselves in our own story.

Keynote appearances: Paganicon, Babalon Rising, Sacred Harvest Festival.

Who she is

As a Pagan Magician Brandy Williams is a Georgian high priestess, a Nath Tantrika, an ordained priestess of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, and founder of Sisters of Seshat. Her motto is Via Amore Gnostike, Insight Through Love. As an activist she organizes direct action to stand up for freedom.

Brandy’s published books include For the Love of the Gods: The History and Modern Practice of Theurgy, Our Pagan Inheritance; The Woman Magician: Revisioning Western Metaphysics from a Woman’s Perspective and Experience; and Ecstatic Ritual: Practical Sex Magic. Her book Practical Magic for Beginners is in its tenth printing.


Brandy’s presentations focus on the question, how can magick serve you?

Theurgy: wisdom of the ancients for modern Pagans and magicians

Our ancestors practiced simple Pagan ritual with a sophisticated religious philosophy. These presentations import their teachings into today’s Pagan and magical practice.

Theurgy Fundamentals

What is theurgy? Who taught it? How did the ancient theurgists contact the gods? Participants learn the basics of theurgic practice through stories about the ancient teachers and simple ritual practice.

Advanced Theurgy

Once we have established a Pagan theurgic practice how do we deepen our connection to the gods? Participants learn how the ancients thought about the soul, our life on earth, and the soul’s return to our spiritual home. Sophisticated theurgic techniques bring our souls to the realm of the gods, and the gods into our souls.

Theurgic Invocation of Athena and Hermes

This ritual brings participants together into a circle of practitioners in the tradition of the teaching lineage of Iamblichus, Asklepigenia and Proklos. We honor the ancestors in the line, then invoke the iynges and daimones (spirits) to guide our work. We call on the Olympian deities as mothers, fathers, protectors and uplifters. Then we recite together the Orphic Hymns of Athena and Hermes. We invite them into the temple and have the opportunity to bring their wisdom into ourselves.

These presentations can be combined for a day of theurgic practice.

The Divine Female in Ritual Practice

Babalon the Mother

Babalon calls to us not only as the lover but as the mother. We are all Babalon’s children. She is visible in the ancient Great Mother, in the mother goddesses of the Mediterranean, in the goddesses of India who are called Maa by their devotees. In this presentation we explore her power of regeneration which includes all genders. Her magick provides a constant source of healing, liberating us from fear and inviting us to dwell in the joy of love.

The Asherah Formula, A New Schema for Inclusive Magick

The magical formula of the Tetragrammaton imagines the universe as male and the magician as king. The Asherah formula provides a new blueprint for rituals recognizing a plurality of genders and spiritual insights.

The Magical Womb

Participants will learn a the original ritual of the Star Garnet. This ritual creates an alchemical retort in the body of any gender for the operator’s renewal.

Vespers for Nuit

Written by Soror Asherah, this beautiful call-and-response ritual invokes Nuit as the loving mother of infinite space. This ritual is not in print at present so can only be experienced in person.

Seshat, Keeper of the Temple

Praise to Seshat, possessor of spells and founder of the temple! This Kemetic-Egyptian ritual evokes Seshat on the altar, allowing us to offer her incense and water and receive her boons in return. Participants then have the opportunity to assume her god-form and step into her presence, experiencing her authorization of the power of writing and speech.

These presentations can be combined for a day of Goddess-centered ritual practice.

Contact Brandy for availability and fee schedule.