The lion mount carries the goddess gently.
Other fierce devis bear sword, mace and noose
but the weapon Skandamata brings is her son,
Skanda, Murrugan, Kartikeya,
his six heads spreading like a peacock’s tail.
He was born to slay the invincible demon
who turned the world from the way of balance.
The gods could not defeat this demon with words or war
but the child struck with his spear and the demon fell.
Praise to the son who saved the gods!
Praise to Padamasani who meditates in peace.
Oh Skandamata, warrior’s mother,
give us courage,
protect us from violence,
grant us the grace of confidence
and strike our enemies down.
Om Devi Skandamatayai Namah.
Navaratri Day 5: The Warrior

By Jonoikobangali - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, From wikimedia.