Creating the Magical Womb
What is the benefit to creating a magical womb? This operation renews the body and spirit. When I perform the Star Garnet give birth to myself.
What is the benefit to creating a magical womb? This operation renews the body and spirit. When I perform the Star Garnet give birth to myself.
Does my body demonstrate my spiritual worth?
The body is a powerful spiritual focus.
One of the things I love about being a magician is that we face life head-on. Magic gives us the tools to cope with whatever happens.
Hail to you, Hekate, Goddess of the crossroads, Kouroutophe, nursemaid to the child, Granter of victory in contest, Mistress of the pharmakon. Hekate Brimo, garlanded in snakes, Lift your torches…
Hail to thee Pomona! Pomorum Patrona, Guardian Goddess of the orchard, With your gentle touch may our trees grow strong, Free from blight, And heavy with healthy fruit!
Hail Flora! Lovely Goddess of the bloom, garlanded with a thousand flowers, grant that my flowers open in beauty, avert the rusts which would blight them, let them set seed…
I helped someone die this week. It was a sacred privilege. It's Samhain season, the time of year when magical folk talk about remembering our ancestors and recognizing death
Whenever a friend talks about some difficulty they are facing in life I ask “can we remember you in circle?” Here’s what that means.
There’s a conversation going on among Pagans about cultural appropriation. I’m re-examining my own work in light of these discussions.
What are demons? This question comes up for me because of my birthday Tarot reading.