Strong consent structures do not inhibit sex positivity. Strong consent structures enable sex positivity. Weak consent structures result in consent violations, pain, uncertainty and mistrust, and damaged reputations for individuals and communities. Rape culture is ubiquitous around the world, even in magical communities. If we are to explore sacred sexuality in this context we need a consent structure that is bulletproof.
Temple Guardians act like dungeon monitors in the BDSM community. One temple guardian in any community can shift that culture. Here’s a start at a temple guardian training program.
Temple Guardian Pledge
Inspired by Durga India
- I protect myself
- I protect others
- I train other temple guardians
Build Consent Culture
- Read the one hour class syllabus: Creating Consent Culture in the O.T.O.
- Conduct a class
- Read Pagan Consent Culture
Create Safe Zones
- Read Safe Zone training
- Facilitate a Safe Zone discussion
Learn to Recognize Sexual Harassment
- Read the RAINN guide
- Investigate sexual harassment employment laws in your state
- Connect with anti-harassment organizations in your community
- Find more resources and publicize them!
Stand Up Against Sexual Harasssment
- Read the Elizabeth Svoboda article
- Watch the one minute film 3 ways to stand against sexual harassment.
Promote sex positivity
- Check out the Feminist Campus Sex-Positivity page
- Read the Center for Sex Positive Culture’s New Member Packet
- Join a Sex Positive Community