Juneteenth Program 2020

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My coven met on Friday on Zoom for our Summer Solstice ritual. Because it was also Juneteenth I prepared a fifteen minute program for us to view and discuss before the ritual. The program featured a mix of local and national content, stuff to read and videos to watch. We learned some things, listened to voices of color, shared what we’ve done in the past and what we plan to do in the future to support community, and talked about our hopes that the Black Lives Matter demonstrations lead to lasting change. I’m posting it here in the hopes that it might inspire more covens and magical groups to put together a program to watch together and discuss.

Did you know there’s a Juneteenth flag? Here’s a roundup of information about it.

My local community centers on Kitsap County in Washington state. Organizer Karen Vargas offered a vision of the county’s future in the Kitsap Sun, How Kitsap Can Move Forward After a Week of Solidarity. Karen addresses the community live on Facebook, #DailyDoseWithMissKaren.
Local reporter Josh Farley heard Miss Karen call for front page content on Juneteenth and responded with this story: Kitsap’s Segregated Past and Its Parallels Today.

The Kitsap Sun’s weekend entertainment section featured a story on songs created by black artists in response to the latest police killings. We watched two of them.

If you put a program together for your group let me know! I’d love to see what you added.