Magical workings and prayers for peace

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I work for peace. As a Pagan magician I am involved with a number of private efforts to maintain peace in the world through magic, invocation and prayer. Cursing the current American administration may grab the headlines but the people I work with are quietly sending energy to make sure everyone gets a chance to vote and to prevent physical violence on all sides.

Here are a few ways you can join in on the effort. The prayers below are Celtic, Hellenic Greek, Celtic, Buddhist Tantric and Hindu Tantric. They’re quick magical workings that don’t require tools or altars (although you are welcome to set up an altar and use as many tools as you like!) The most important thing is to prepare yourself by grounding, centering, and setting an intention.

Preparing for magical work for peace

  1. Ground: root yourself into the earth. You can imagine roots growing from your feet, or physically touch the earth.
  2. Center: see, feel or know a warm golden light in your heart. This light washes away your tensions and cares and focuses your energy on the work.
  3. Set an intention: each intention begins with yourself. If we’re not experiencing peace we can ask peace to enter our lives. We also do this work to benefit the community, both our own family and friends, our home towns, employers, local government, and finally the nation as a whole. You can think of these as circles radiating out from you.

Prayer to Brigid for peace

Brigid is one of the most popular and powerful goddesses Pagans invoke today. For example Courtney Weber’s book Brigid, History, Mystery and Magick of the Celtic Goddess reviews the folklore around Brigid as smith, healer, and warrior. Martha Kirby Cabo offered a prayer to Brigid based on Jason Mankey’s book Witch’s Wheel of the Year.

My coven has worked with Brigid for many years to promote creativity and for healing. We’ve all received a candle lit by a flame from one of her flame keepers. The idea is that the candle holds the power of Brigid’s flame. When you light another candle with it, that power flows to the new candle, and so it passes from hand to hand.

Lighting Brigid’s candle

If haven’t received Brigid’s flame you can call it up yourself. For this spell use a new candle. It can be white or natural beeswax. Light the candle and say, “Brigid’s power be present in this flame.” Sit with the candle for a few minutes, seeing or feeling or knowing her presence in the flame. When you blow out the candle, say “Brigid be thanked.”

Now the candle is ready to use. Ground, center, and set your intention. Then light the candle and say the prayer below. See or feel or know her power spreading out from the candle throughout your home and spreading out from there in waves beyond sight. When you are ready, blow out the candle and say, “Brigid be thanked.” In times of great peril you may leave the candle to burn out, just be sure to light another one from it first so you can carry the flame forward.

Prayer to Brigid
Brigid spread your peace over this house and this land.

Invoking Harmonia for peace

Harmonia is the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares, the daughter of love and war. Interestingly, while Ares does not flinch from violence, he acts to protect and to protect women in particular. He puts off his armor to enter Aphrodite’s chamber. Aphrodite too has this dual character, softening in love, but strapping on weapons when she needs to act. This union of strength and love results in the lovely goddess of peace.

For this invocation pick a candle color that signifies peace for you, such as blue, pink or white. Ground, center, and set your intention. Meditate on your sincere desire for peace. Light the candle and say the prayer below.

Invoking Harmonia
I invoke the power of Ares to protect.
I invoke the power of Aphrodite to unite.
I invoke gentle Harmonia to spread her grace over me and over the land that we may live in justice and peace.

Offering to Ma’at for peace

Images in temples and tombs show pharaohs making offerings to the Egyptian/Kemetic gods. One of those offerings is a small image of Ma’at, the goddess of justice and balance. Ma’at can be offered to any deity, even Ma’at herself. The idea is that the pharaoh is pledging to be a wise and just ruler who ensures the well-being of everyone in the land. The image is a shorthand for saying “I offer my pledge as Ma’at to the goddess of justice so that peace may prevail.”

To make this prayer, find an image of Ma’at. You can print it out or have it in front of you on your screen. Ground, center, and set your intention. Meditate for a moment on your sincere desire to promote peace in yourself, your family, your community, and the world. Lift your hand to the image and say the prayer.

Offering to Ma’at
I offer Ma’at to Ma’at that Ma’at might be preserved.

Tara Mandala prays for peace

Tara Mandala has issued a call to chant the mantra of the eighth Tara to bring about social justice and promote peace. She is Drolma Zhen Migyalwa’i Pamo, “Tara the Invincible Heroine”. I have received the chant and Tara Mandala publishes it. I’m not qualified to instruct how to pronounce and use it, however the organization provides free online instruction through their web site and scheduled Zoom sessions. Visit their Facebook page for more information.

Chanting for the 8th Tara
Om Tāre Tuttāre Ture Daha Paca Hūṃ Phaṭ Svāhā

Mantra for peace

It’s easy to find mantra prayers and videos on the web but it’s hard to determine which are authentic and figure out how to use them. People who grow up Hindu are informed by family practice while people with Vedantic or Tantric practice have teachers to guide them. If you don’t have a family tradition or a teacher you can enter into chanting practice with sincere devotion. The Devi Mandir in California has more information about how to chant. They invite everyone to join their livestream every night.

The mantra Om is the root syllable of all mantras, and the word “Shanti” means peace, so to chant Om Shanti is a relatively gentle way to get started.

To chant for peace, make an intention to maintain peace in yourself, in your family, and in your community. Then chant the phrase below. You can chant as few or as many times as you like, 108 times is the usual number. A mala or Hindu rosary has 108 beads to help keep track.

Mantra for peace
Om shanti shanti shanti

When the news or personal crises push me into anger and fear I engage in one of these practices to restore my own calm and to project my sincere wish for well-being into the world. As we navigate these difficult times may we all remain safe, well, and at peace.