Behold, the devi is leaving!
The mountain daughter returns to her journey.
Durga absorbs her avatars:
Shailaputri and Brahmacharini,
Chandraghanta and Kushmanda,
Skandamata and Katyayani,
Kaalaratri and Mahagauri and Siddhidatri,
all return to the great mother
as rivers to the sea.
Maha Durga, you are the creator and the destroyer.
You are the play of ignorance and the knowledge that liberates.
You are the beginning and end of time and You are eternal.
All knowledge and all women are your embodiments.
Great Devi, we praise you who are beyond all praise.
Relieve our suffering, grant us health and prosperity,
protect us and enlighten us
who are in the end enfolded in you.
Om Devi Durgyai Namah.