Respect the no in O.T.O.

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To all Thelemites:

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

We own our bodies. We own our consent. If one of us is not safe than no one of us is safe. When one of us tells our story all of us are freed.

Today we are rising up, we are telling our stories, we are standing shoulder to shoulder. Today members of the Ordo Templi Orientis band together to support our sisters in Thelema, all women, and people of all genders under the banner #respectthenoinoto.

Non-consensual touch and harassment has happened within the order and has been perpetrated by people within the Order. This ranges from an ogle or comment (“I can’t wait to see you naked on the altar”) all the way up to outright rape. This is a violation of one person’s will by another and is unacceptable.

U.S. Grand Lodge has an overt policy prohibiting sexual harassment. USGL also has a statement which pledges in part “we welcome the participation and friendship of Thelemites of all sexes, genders, “races,” and ethnic groups, and from all cultures; and we are committed to opposing their unfair treatment, within and without the Order.”

If it’s happened to you, tell your story. Even if it was a long time ago. Even if you are only just now entering Thelema. Even if the person who harassed you is a high-ranking person or was your teacher or initiator. We are speaking to each other and listening to each other.

If you see it happening, speak up. Tell the person who is the target that you support them and let the person who is harassing know “Time’s Up”.

If you are hearing the stories for the first time, listen respectfully, and offer your heartfelt responses.

No one person can make the Order, or Thelema, or the world safe for women and other genders. No policy or prosecution can do the trick on its own. What we need is a change in culture. We are saying clearly: harassment doesn’t happen here. Every man and every woman is a star. We invite you to join us in passing along this message.

Love is the law, love under will.