Secrets of Magic 7: Ask for what you want

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With magic we can accomplish anything we want. We already know that we always have access to the information we need to do the magic we want to do. The secret of magic is to figure out what it is we want to use the magic to accomplish. Once the goal is clear, almost all the work is already done.

If you could do anything you want you—if you had all the money in the world, all your time was free, and you had no obligations to anyone else—what one thing would you want to do right now?

It may be that the answer to that question is immediately apparent. You might want to pay off debts, get a new job, or recover from an injury or illness. Anything that threatens our basic health or security is an immediate need.

It may be that the question reminds you of a dream you have put aside. You might think about jumping on a plane to a distant city, or going back to school, or starting your own business.

It may be that you don’t have an immediate answer to that question. We all live with the expectations of our families, our employers, our friends. We are used to dealing with necessity rather than dreaming about possibilities. This is the time to dare to dream. Let your mind wander. What adventures would you have if you could do anything you want to do?


I know what I want.

Write this affirmation on a sticky note or 3×5 card and put it where you can see it every day. Repeat the affirmation every day for a week.

Practice: What I want
Write a journal entry to answer the question, “If I could do anything I want, the one thing I would do right now is…”

This is a good question to add to your daily journal entry. You don’t have to spend a lot of time thinking about the question, just record the first answer that pops into your mind.